Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
![Victoria's Secret Fashion Show](/img/thumbs/1000x1000/vs9.jpg)
In 2011, Enlighted collaborated with the team at Victoria's Secret to install lighting in several products for their annual televised fashion show.
The featured piece was a pink sequined bra with a white LED heart pattern, animated with an outward pulsing effect. An online contest awarded replicas of these bras as exclusive prizes for two lucky fans.
For another bra in the fashion show, we lit up the text "LOVE PINK" using custom embroidered patches with white LED backlighting.
We also created the lighted text "LOVE PINK" on the large pink tote, using a dense grid of individually-mounted cool white LEDs to fill in the block letters.
The clip below demonstrates the animation pattern for the pink sequin bras with the lighted hearts.